France wished to support free Greece as it came into being by helping it activate its army.
For years Britain had supported Greece, but was now near bankruptcy and was forced to radically reduce its involvement.
It was agreed that the net contribution of banks and insurance companies to support Greece would include an additional €37 billion in 2014.
On its own, the EU has shown it can barely support Greece, let alone Italy or Spain.
As regards the stability programme, the Commission fully supports Greece in its efforts to redress a difficult economic and fiscal situation.
It deserves support in this difficult task, and the Commission supports Greece.
Now we have to support Greece, and Greece has now announced very important measures.
This is an issue which is different from supporting Greece.
The Commission and the Member States are supporting Greece with a huge amount of money, expertise, interpreters and administrators.
France supports Turkey in the Greek-Turkish war while Britain continues to support Greece.