In one corner of the room Lady Constance supported John on her bosom.
Iowa Bob later supports John when he decides to begin physical training.
The nobility and the majority of the Riksdag of the Estates supported John.
When Kathy goes missing, Ruth supports John and helps him through the search effort.
There was also evidence of support for Mr. Ashcroft near the protest, including a man holding a sign that read: "We support John."
The Lanterns, unfortunately, were not there to support John, but rather join in the crowd's vocal abuse of Stewart.
The others came out, Gareth and Trey supporting John between them.
I wouldn't be supporting John if I didn't know him.
George and Paul had made a big effort to look the part and clearly felt it was their role to support John, who was sitting between them, white-faced.
She, in turn, did not choose to support John.