The aim of the review was to reduce expenditure during the early 1980s recession and to focus on supporting NATO rather than out of area operations.
While the Bulgarian government supported NATO, it refused to take large numbers of Kosovo refugees.
The PvdA became social-democratic supporting a welfare state, a mixed economy, decolonization and NATO.
The main party in opposition, the conservative Christian Democratic Union, normally votes wholeheartedly to support NATO.
He has criticized Russian action in Chechnya and supported NATO in Kosovo.
Den has been supporting Leonid Kuchma, NATO, and ties with the West.
He also took a prominent role in supporting NATO and brought massive military appropriations home to Georgia.
During the Cold War, the number of bases was expanded to support NATO.
Ten years ago, these same ultra-European human rights types did not hesitate to support NATO in its unspeakable act of aggression against Serbia.
Sections of the new document discuss at greater length the need to strengthen alliances, with specific references to supporting NATO and reforming the United Nations.