It works in close partnership with the police, solicitors and other support agencies to help survivors obtain speedy protection.
Contact details for national support agencies and sources of information can be found at Annex A.
The Texas Legislature has five support agencies that are within the legislative branch of state government.
CRS is joined by two major congressional support agencies.
This section provides a list of support agencies and charities that can help people who have an addiction.
There are also Congressional support agencies, which do not solely focus on science, but provide insight for Congress to make decisions dealing with scientific issues.
Young people's services work with the young person, and all their related support agencies, to ensure they get the help they need.
This section provides a list of support agencies and charities that can help if you're affected by cancer.
About 80 percent of the fathers referred to the program by local child support agencies were black or Hispanic.
They also put us in touch with support agencies, and they have support groups.