These online journals are primarily used to support communication in the form of presentation, and they provide a useful tool for class interaction.
In many cases the dynamic reports are published on web sites to support interactive data exploration and communication.
However, microblogging has the potential to support informal communication among coworkers.
This illustrates the fact that one cannot define a medium's ability to support effective communication without taking into consideration characteristics of the communicators.
Their grantmaking supports communication and collaboration in environmental protection, with an emphasis on climate change.
A communication system to support lateral communication, both within and outside the departments.
The long-term goal is to develop systems that support two-way conversational communication between human users and computers.
H.M.O.'s say they support full, open communication between doctors and patients on medical questions.
Not just a matter of time: Field differences and the shaping of electronic media in supporting scientific communication.
The Association supports scholarly communication in the following ways: