If one chooses to reject these assumptions, then evidence taken to support evolution, like radiocarbon dating, can be rearranged to support creationism.
Despite years of trying, they have yet to turn up any evidence at all that supports creationism.
To suggest in that same class that data support equally natural selection and creationism is not.
There is lots of evidence for evolution, there is no proof or repeatable scientific tests that support creationism.
There is no evidence to support creationism, and plenty of evidence to the contrary.
If that's correct, you would be surprised by the number of scientist and science that also supports creationism.
But opponents said the resolution was an indirect way to support creationism, and the governor's office said the inevitable ridicule would be bad for business.
Answers in Creation is another organization, set up in 2003, which supports progressive creationism.
There are other religious people who support creationism, but in terms of allegorical interpretations of Genesis.
This allowed him to support creationism while explaining biogeographical similarities.