He is considered to be the pioneer of the construction of large-scale irrigation works in Sri Lanka to support paddy cultivation.
But when Hills mentioned his research with algae as a food source, then Nehru became interested and offered to support cultivation in India.
The well drained glacial deposits provide fertile soils that can support intensive arable cultivation.
A broad savannah extends south of the central lakes; it features a compact red clay soil that is too poor to support heavy cultivation.
Both of these river valleys possess fertile alluvial soils and have supported considerable cultivation and human settlement.
After the huge hydrological works Jura water correction, the area drained out and could support more cultivation.
This supports cultivation of alfalfa, barley, wheat, oats, corn, fruits and vegetables.
Further up the valley, there are numerous terraces that support intensive cultivation of vineyards and grain.
Smallholder agriculture has led to the concentration of people being three times that that would support shifting cultivation in some areas.
To the immediate south, west and east are deeper rich, alluvial soils that support valuable agricultural cultivation.