The facility is based on a modular design concept to support diverse experiments.
Mr. Bradley said in a televised debate on Sunday that he had supported programs like Cleveland's only as experiments.
As part of that effort, Summerfield supported experiments with rocket-delivered mail, using the missile mail carrier.
In pursuit of answers to these questions, Fermilab supports researchers, experiments and facilities that promise to revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
He has supported limited experiments with school vouchers.
The telescope supports experiments and observations to validate (or disprove) Albert Einstein's relativity theory.
This noninvasive electrocardiogram (ECG) device is available to support future experiments.
If nothing else, scientists said, the results supported earlier experiments showing a puzzling scarcity of solar neutrinos reaching Earth.
It also supported early experiments in magnet schools, which use specialized curriculums to lure a mix of students crossing racial lines and neighborhoods.
Bradley says he supports limited experiments with vouchers, but in general opposes them.