It also supports faculty, staff, and student research interests by providing field and lab-based resources.
It also supports faculty, staff, and student research interests by providing valuable resources such as research collections and natural areas for scientific study.
The chapter was established in 1995 to promote the involvement of former students and support the academic programs, current students, faculty and staff of Kent State University.
The purpose of the project is to support and encourage faculty around the world who teach entrepreneurship to future scientists, engineers, managers, and others.
The graduate/ faculty programme supports students and faculty working together around shared interdisciplinary research interests.
We are using the funds to support graduate Endodontic students and faculty.
The TLTC supports faculty in the integration of technology tools into teaching and learning.
These funds also support students and faculty in programs designed to increase the number of nurses, pediatricians and primary care providers.
We cannot be out in the country, we need practicing architects, designers, and engineers to come here and support full-time faculty as part-time instructors.
Since 1983, the Butlers have created nine endowments in the School of Music to support students, faculty and programs.