It supports "replacement-level" immigration, and does so "without regard to race, ethnicity, or national origin."
Andrews supports immigration as a way to slow population ageing in Australia.
The national government supported immigration, and in 1878 the first Italian immigrants arrived.
I do not support illegal immigration, and I oppose amnesty for those who came here illegally.
While supporting both free trade and immigration may be more consistent, I'm not sure it is any more right.
Americans generally support immigration, and our laws still welcome law-abiding, self-supporting aliens.
Debates rage over how much immigration the United States can support and which regions of the world should be given preference.
He also specifically said "I support immigration", adding: "it's brought huge benefits to Britain and our economy.
The Economist generally supports free trade, globalisation, and free immigration.
"That doesn't mean we support illegal immigration, but we don't want people legal or illegal to die in the park."