Labour changed from its initial opposition towards the European Community and began to support membership.
They say they support Slovakian membership in the federation, but only for the time being.
The government remains divided, though polls show that two-thirds of Turks support membership, primarily in the hope of a much needed economic lift.
Only America has the confidence to support German membership.
Support for membership rose during the campaign with over 50% expected to support membership as the referendum neared.
Eight countries had planned referendums on joining, and the five that have already held votes have all supported membership.
Czechs are among the most Euro-skeptic candidates, with only 43 percent of respondents supporting membership in a recent poll.
While pro-European Community voices are heard in all the country's major political parties, no party has yet formally supported membership.
Others that support Eastern European membership say it is important for those nations to have a voice in shaping the bank's policies.
But Germany, whose banks are major creditors of the Soviet Union, has supported membership.