Since he was responsible for the support of his brother and sister, he was unable to go abroad for study.
The adult Charles loses the emotional support of his brother, but more important, he leaves the rural community for life in the city.
He also would bring the military and financial support of his brother.
That meant she would have the support of not only her brother, but also the young Elessedi!
And of course, the support of her brother.
Ms. Ujueta had the support of her brother.
If you didn't, you didn't get the support of your brother.
But he seized the crown with support of his brother Antigonus, imprisoning his mother and other three brothers.
The steady support of his brother at court gained for him several diplomatic missions to Germany and Italy (1659-1661).
Prieto says she was thirteen when she began her career due to the support of her brother, who died that year.