O'Neill promised complete loyalty in return for Mawn's support of his work on counter-terrorism.
In his interpretations that juxtaposition was heightened without the support of his arduous textual work.
She added that the academy is in "full support" of Dr. Burge's work.
It received critical acclaim upon its publication, not commercial success, but it did lead the way for support of the author's further work through fellowships.
Read more about his support of Tesla's work on the next page.
The result of treating our theater as a tryout station was to shake the company's faith in my support of its work.
And I appreciate your telling me about Okanagon's support of my work.
We will miss her input and her support of our work.
I would like to conclude by thanking Parliament for its support of the Commission's work on this important dossier.
I meant to indicate support and approval of your work there.