State leaders say they now receive more money from the national office, and they enthusiastically support his leadership.
But worse is that so many Americans can so unquestioningly support his so-called faith-based leadership.
Following the vote Peres announced that he would support Rabin's leadership and "do everything to uphold party unity".
This comprehensive approach will help the State Department anticipate and adapt to 21st century security challenges, while supporting America's leadership in emerging crises.
He supported Roosevelt's leadership of the country in the war, but wanted to make the government more efficient and effective.
"I fully support Chuck and his leadership, as well the direction in which he is taking the organization," he said.
After the death of Joseph Smith, Orton did not support Young's leadership.
Board members often disagree about policy questions, but the vast majority enthusiastically supports Anthony and his leadership.
We want to see the EU doing more, not less, to support America's principled leadership in the fight against terrorism.
But the coalition supporting Mr. Tenore's continued leadership held firm.