A friend falls behind on support payments and goes to jail.
The new Federal law requires states to improve their tracking of fathers who fail to make support payments.
Since 1995 when the law took effect, more than $4.8 billion in support payments have been collected.
But after his support payment is withheld, he said, "I'd have only $25 a week for myself."
Finally, after numerous trips to family court, she could get her child support payments raised from $38 to $120 a month.
Coca-Cola has been in the business of making huge support payments to its bottlers.
Until now, any money they spent on the children during visitation periods was in addition to their regular support payments.
She took him to court to raise support payments.
"If that's the case, one would think he'd pay me the back child support payments he owes me."
So will government, of course, through unemployment insurance, Medicaid, food stamps and other support payments.