After the war, public support for the military plummeted.
Consequently, popular support for the war and for Bush have plummeted.
Other major parties, such as the Socialists, saw support plummet.
Whenever he has been seen as defender of the party, his popular support has plummeted.
However, following the resignation of Schmidt as chairperson and the elections in 1999, the party's support has plummeted and it failed to gain any seats.
The officer's political credentials were on the rise, and he had contacts with all sides of the political spectrum, while support for Carol plummeted.
In the 1969 election, he lost to Girard by 463 votes as Liberal support plummeted in the province.
So, too, should the Green parties, whose support has plummeted recently due to the major parties incorporating environmental issues into their own platforms.
In later public opinion polls, though, his support plummeted from a high of 52% following his election in 2004 to below 4%.
In this election, support plummeted to 2.8% and the party won only three seats.