These are used in every corner of the globe to support agricultural production.
Hope also supported the domestic production of ethanol during his time in government.
In addition, there are usually certain other facilities, typically indoors, to support production at the site.
They believe advertising is likely to be the best revenue model supporting the production of online news.
The state has to support production which is being restructured.
Some of these countries simply do not have enough reserves of oil in the ground to support higher production.
In 1954, it became the closed town of Sverdlovsk-45 to support production of nuclear weapons.
They support the development and production of oil and natural gas reserves.
He waited for someone to agree, but nearly every other representative spoke instead of the need to support industrial production or to protect workers' jobs.
We note with satisfaction that the new services will also have to play their part in supporting the production and promotion of European works.