Knowing When to Leave Nor is there proof to support reports that frogs and toads rain down from the sky from waterspouts.
Dr. Autran's research supports reports from other laboratories that have offered increasingly strong evidence of the potential recovery of an AIDS-damaged immune system.
The study supports earlier reports that some drugs used to lower cholesterol may also help the kidneys.
The 6400 series has the flexibility and forms handling capability to support multi-part forms, financial reports, invoices payroll information and program listings.
This supports reports obtained by the TRAFFIC monitoring agency that illegal coral gathering is still widespread in the Philippines.
In case an organization wants to collectively manage several projects running at the same time, the tool supports cross-project views, reports and evaluations.
His discoveries support earlier reports from The New York Times and other online bloggers regarding He Kexin's age discrepancy.
That appeared to support unconfirmed reports that government forces were locking down villages, some urban neighborhoods and even refugee camps in an effort to round up suspected militants.
The Project Center supports reports across an organization at the project level.
No firm evidence has appeared to support reports the sect was trafficking in arms.