Mr. Worrell said there were simply too few urban centers that could support such stores.
"The public has to make more of an effort to support small, independent stores like this," Ms. Cohen said.
There's a conscious effort here to support local stores.
"We're building the infrastructure to support several stores," Mr. Cole said, "but there are no plans for that on the board at this time."
It takes people crowded together to support round-the-clock stores, frequent subway trains and restaurants for every taste.
The street can support numerous stores from the same chain, with none of the stores cannibalizing each other.
"There's never been the critical mass of people to be able to support cultural institutions and retail stores," Ms. Abramson said.
By 1892, it had grown to 150 residents and was able to support several general stores.
A grocery store also brings in the type of frequent traffic needed to support other stores in the plaza.