The money would be better spent supporting better local transport and anything else that encourages the reduction or elimination of car trips under 10 miles.
Many people in the village, which has a population of about 100, feel that re-opening the station would bring in trade, help it grow again and support sustainable transport.
In addition, the canal supported transport of goods manufactured by local industries that developed in the 19th century with the availability of coal.
The German government supported efficient farming, industry, financial institutions and transport.
Apart from these it also supports transport and various utilities.
It supports public transport, open source software, renewable energy and taxing cars by the actual number of kilometers driven.
Nor do we think that the Union should interfere in how Member States chose to support public transport.
Similarly to support public transport I ususally go to County Hall by train and bus.
It also supports public transport in rural areas.
The technologies support cold-form transport of bitumen with zero waste at the end of its supply chain.