Still, his supporters backed him passionately and will switch reluctantly.
The king and his military supporters backed down, at least for the time being.
Many advocates of direct election supported Mr. Ensley last year, while many supporters of the current system backed Ms. Roberts.
The dead candidate's supporters backed Cain and he was elected mayor at the age of 34.
Feinstein was elected President of the Board of Supervisors on a 6-5 vote, with Moscone's supporters backing Lau.
Meanwhile, some old supporters are suddenly backing a version of the bill that, if approved, would actually derail true reform.
For years debate over the amendment has been frozen in place with supporters and opponents of gun control adamantly backing one interpretation or the other.
However, supporters in surrounding neighborhoods and nearby Regis University backed the relocation because they regarded it as more accessible than the initial site on the east.
While other supporters of waterway usage fees, including Domenici, backed the compromise, Bedell gave a passioned plea for his colleagues to oppose it.
Most supporters of arms control have backed a treaty eliminating medium-range missiles from Europe, and some expressed surprise about Mr. Aspin's arguments.