He and other supporters of the Senator blame the news media for coming up with a new scandal seemingly every week.
The Kabul regime has made little social progress, a shortcoming that its supporters blame on the war.
Phillips and his supporters have blamed the dissident umpires for the strategy's failure, but they, in turn, say new leadership is needed.
The NRA and its supporters blamed our violent culture.
Many supporters, including some in his administration, blame his poor communications for losing the support of all but one in five voters.
Mr. Giuliani's supporters later blamed the hecklers on the Mayor's opponents.
Many supporters blamed the failure to stay in the Championship on McKay's involvement, others felt it was worth the try.
Carmack's supporters blamed Patterson for the shooting, and at one point sought his impeachment.
The directors attributed relegation to bad luck while the supporters blamed Barker.
When that bill died without a vote, supporters of it blamed him and said his lack of support was dictated by presidential campaign considerations.