In recent months, the Haitian military and its armed supporters have killed hundreds of Father Aristide's supporters.
Turner and his supporters violently killed dozens of slave owners and their families, and as many as 200 slaves ultimately died.
The supporters of Uthman then counterattacked the assassins and, in turn, killed them.
Over the past two and a half years, President Mugabe's militant supporters have killed scores of black opposition party members, human rights groups say.
But with snipers and ambushes, his supporters have killed scores of peacekeeping troops and have forced the others to hunker down in their compounds.
But when Remón's two top aides served the eviction notice on the President, Arias's supporters killed both in cold blood.
In 656, Ali's supporters killed the third caliph.
Lovejoy and his supporters killed some in the mob and wounded others.
Reza Eslaminia told the police that supporters of the Ayatollah Khomeini might have killed his father for political reasons.
Free tuition is a powerful recruitment tool, so supporters killed the idea through heavy lobbying by parents and alumni, like the late Lane Kirkland, the labor leader.