His supporters also led a recall effort against the Selectmen who voted for his dismissal.
A strong supporter of NATO and the European Union based upon his belief in Western cohesion led to many political battles with the left-wing opposition.
What are the Republicans thinking, allowing a known terrorist supporter like Donald Trump to lead any political gathering is absurd.
A long-standing supporter of the Medical Center, his generosity and commitment have led to significant advancements in the areas of patient care, research and education.
The boys, who were held for months without bail, were eventually released after supporters, including Eleanor Roosevelt, led an international campaign on their behalf.
The chemical industry's staunchest supporters are leading the charge to take away the states' power.
Initially a supporter of the dictatorship led by Getúlio Vargas, he was later persecuted and exiled in Portugal for promoting uprisings against the government.
Dudarev and his supporters are leading the Motherland back into darkness, down an old, tyrannical path that will only bring us to disaster.
Then a supporter and member of the Baptist organization, the Rev. Charles Emery of Gary, Ind., led the group in a rousing prayer.
For the next four years, he served as a backbench supporter of the provincial Progressive Conservative administrations led by Bill Davis and Frank Miller.