One group is the Islamic Population, led by Ismail Khan, the commander who governed here before the Taliban came to power and whose supporters proclaimed him governor again last week.
Mr. Aidid's supporters proclaimed him President last year, but no other group recognizes him.
She was the interpreter at the many news conferences in which Mr. Havel and his supporters proclaimed the goals of their movement.
The supporters of President Bush proclaim that because of his moral character and strong leadership, he deserves re-election.
Youthful supporters proclaimed him their candidate for president.
Gadi's supporters, however, proclaimed that "the owner has arrived, the pretender should roll up his mat."
In response, Kantakouzenos' army and supporters proclaimed him co-emperor in October, cementing the rift between himself and the new regency.
After his supporters proclaimed him as "Legitimate President of Mexico", López created a "Cabinet of Denunciation" to counter all moves done by President Felipe Calderón.
In a meeting held on 16 February 1954 supporters of installing a university created a directory and proclaimed Eduardo Morales Miranda as president of it.
Honorius had Heraclianus and his supporters proclaimed enemies of the State and condemned to death with an edict issued in Ravenna on July 7, 412.