Other supporters reacted even more angrily, suggesting that Mr. Sharpton's dream had been stolen from him just as it was finally within his grasp.
The government, human rights advocates and supporters of General Pinochet generally reacted to the developments in London cautiously.
The next question, and it is a profound one, is how Israel and its supporters will react.
Pollard's supporters have reacted to these revelations with skepticism.
His supporters, many of them dancing, reacted by chanting, "Ooh-ah, Chávez isn't leaving!"
But etoy's supporters had reacted with alarm to the shutdown of the site.
His supporters here, a dwindling and politically marginal group, reacted with outrage to the President's statement.
Mr. Cervera and his supporters have reacted furiously.
She remains a popular leader, however, and her supporters reacted angrily.
The supporters react angrily to the news and bombard the field with the pretzels, knocking out Whitey Ford in the process.