His supporters wrote multiple, positive reviews for publications and attended debates (the last place Darwin wanted to be) on the author's behalf.
When supporters wrote to him that the production later became a success, he assumed that they were merely trying to be kind.
The campaign encourages supporters to write to world leaders and ask them to speak out for Tibet.
But his local supporters have written letters warning Mr. Dukakis not to take the state for granted.
"I am not being dramatic," wrote one supporter.
Many campaigns - especially the presidential one - are providing Web-based tool kits to help supporters write their own e-mail messages.
She and her supporters wrote to ministers, businessmen and politicians, and they were successful in their efforts.
"It's all well and good to cheer each other on," wrote one supporter last week.
In the 1970s many feminist supporters wrote about the power of Rebecca Harding Davis's short story.