Warmer conditions in the summer can also suppress appetite, leading to lower weight gains.
Many drugs (including alcohol) suppress appetite while simultaneously consuming any money that might have been spent on food.
Because the water-drinking group reported feeling both more full and less hungry, the researchers believe that the water acts to suppress appetite.
If blood sugar levels remain too high the body suppresses appetite over the short term.
They worked primarily by suppressing appetite, and had other beneficial effects such as increased alertness.
The third permitted use was for suppressing appetite among persons who needed to lose weight.
A special hormone, leptin is released into the black bear's systems, to suppress appetite.
These stimulants, introduced in the 1950's, suppressed appetite and may have raised metabolism.
Urocortin is the third brain hormone reported within the last 15 months to suppress appetite.
One study indicates Korean pine nut oil may suppress appetite.