Administration officials have been nervous to talk about the station, being sensitive to charges that they are trying to suppress free expression.
The rules are part of an effort to suppress expression rather than to address the causes of social unrest, lawyers and rights advocates say.
The Soviet Union attempted to suppress public religious expression over wide areas of its influence, including places such as central Asia.
The speech did not take place in the occupied territories, where Israel claims the right to suppress expression.
But, at the same time, regime officials were suppressing political expression and opposition throughout the country.
The Court found that section 319 clearly violated section 2(b) as it was legislation designed to suppress expression.
The court also argued that in certain protected areas, such as public education funding, government grants "may not be used to suppress unpopular expression."
On the other hand, these laws have the potential to suppress worthwhile literary and artistic expression.
"But they have to allow him to come or else they'll be accused of suppressing free expression."
The Sp1 and Mef2 elements thus are not capable of suppressing expression in other cell types.