It suppresses wages, makes the workforce docile, undermines unions, and enriches your 'elite' criminal backers.
They contend that the system for matching medical school graduates to residencies is an unlawful scheme to suppress wages.
The real problem for American workers is that immigration keeps increasing the supply of labor, seriously suppressing low-end wages.
Companies that hire illegal immigrants are breaking the law and suppressing wages of American workers.
Immigration probably suppresses wages, but it doesn't cause unemployment like you are suggesting.
Employment: Acquire jobs which would have otherwise been available to native citizens, suppressing wages.
I agree with you that it has suppressed wages and put pressure on social services.
This enabled them to create a monopsony (market conditions where there is only one buyer) that suppressed wages.
Whole industries will choose to recruit seasonal workers in a way that will affect the whole labour market, suppress wages and create conflict.
This growth, the highest among large industrialized nations, suppresses wages, thereby enhancing profits in many cheap-labor industries.