There are several variations for applying artillery (and mortar and naval gun) fire for suppressive effect.
The suppressive effect lingers for a short period, about 2 minutes, after the artillery fire stops.
A rifle or machine gun bullet only has a suppressive effect within about 1 metre of its trajectory.
Regucalcin has a suppressive effect on calcium signaling from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in the proliferative cells.
Research conducted in 2003 suggests that extracts from Polyozellus multiplex may have suppressive effects on stomach cancer.
Kastner and colleagues also found that directing attention to the specific location of a stimulus reduces the suppressive effect.
Some research has shown that protease inhibitors can cause irreversible suppressive effect on carcinogenic cell growth.
These cytokines may have suppressive effect on production of IgM.
The suppressive effect is often dependent on the contrast, orientation, and direction of motion of the stimulus stimulating the surround.
Model based on this idea have been shown to reproduce surround suppressive effects.