Together they point to the simple fact that there is no sure-fire method.
But Ms. Franklin has one sure-fire method for easing any fears about European markets.
Since the outbreak, Odwalla has begun pasteurizing many of its products, including apple juice, a sure-fire method of killing bacteria with heat.
The person who discovers a sure-fire method of motivating adults to change their unhealthy habits will almost certainly win a Nobel Prize.
But there is also a shortage of land-mine specialists, and a true dearth of sure-fire methods to find buried mines.
They even had their own sure-fire method of dealing with crime.
It was an ad about sailboats and blondes in bikinis and sure-fire methods to stop hair loss.
In today's speech, Mr. Bush described his economic package as a sure-fire method of stimulating growth by creating jobs and reducing taxes.
But the dismaying fact is that no sure-fire method exists.
He was careful to say abstinence was the only sure-fire method, and that condoms should be used only "when appropriate."