commented that the album "has every chance to rank as one of the year's best" and that "it reveals additional nuances with each visit: a sure-fire sign of an album with true longevity".
Frequent clutches are one of the sure-fire signs that there will be a Pass,' Zulaya said, obviously looking forward to the days when the dragons of Pern started the work for which they were engineered.
And his inaugural festivities, "Celebrating Oakland," which offered citizens a jam-packed schedule with scores of local acts - musicians, visual artists, dancers and poets - were touted today as a sure-fire sign that the new Mayor is planning to showcase the best Oakland has to offer.
No single signal, Dr. Ekman is quick to point out, is a sure-fire sign of deceit, and the presence of discrepant emotions per se does not necessarily mean someone is lying.
Shipmates of State Beyond the George-and-Boris routine, beneath the flowery toasts and heartfelt pledges of eternal alliance, there is one sure-fire sign that Mr. Bush has also elevated Mr. Yeltsin to his A-list of world leaders.
Martial rhetoric is seldom a sure-fire sign of tolerance for dissent.
This is a sure-fire sign that he has come full circle out of an economic downturn.