New members would surely include people of talent.
Whatever Christianitas might otherwise have encompassed, it surely included those works.
A popularity figure of anything like 91 percent surely includes a fair number of fair-weather friends.
He had promised 13 to 15 points, which surely included the the spade ace, the heart king and the diamond ace.
Regional traditions may include but surely are not limited to:
It surely included exactly five diamonds, in view of East's raise, and therefore a heart void was virtually certain.
The deal surely included the privileged sighting of condors on our first day.
That should surely include advice on the downside of setting up new schools, not just the positive.
This would surely include spending money to develop greenhouse-benevolent energy technologies that will be on the shelf and relatively affordable if they are needed.
If the random hostages do not include last night's terrorists, they surely include those of other nights.