Five bowlers is surely preferable, when you have a capable wicky like Prior.
Someone like Cabochon was wholly more attractive and surely preferable to a girl like Ari.
This development is surely preferable to the hulking quartet of nearly identical corporate towers originally planned to rise here.
It is surely preferable to retain some defined elements of musical form, so that the music can be retained in the memory.
The foolish old fishing craft was surely preferable to getting trapped like rats on the shore.
It was surely preferable for the superpowers to fight it out in the space race than blow the world to bits (Wolfe 1979).
There were warnings of bandits and large predators, but it was surely preferable to following the road back through the forest and the mountains.
(Prancing in the marketplace is surely preferable to institutional incarceration.)
What the average person might interpret as serene is almost surely preferable to what the average person would find overstimulating.
To coca-colonize, cellophane , and xerox appear to work quite well with small letters, but capital letters are surely preferable for many of the others.