But it surely represents a part of Islam - a radical, fundamentalist part - that simply cannot be ignored or denied.
A representative must surely represent, or speak for, some body of persons or opinion other than her/himself.
A dancer on a table top in "Fandangos" surely represented a cafe entertainer.
Standards should surely represent a society's highest aspirations, not its tawdry realities.
Eiko surely represented a frail mortal confronting and finally yielding to mighty powers.
Though the black surely represents the bleak mood she was expecting that day.
Their demise surely represents an end to an era of graciousness and civility.
This surely represents something important to the locals.
To be starting from here, having been dealt such a bountiful hand, surely represents an indictment of Cameron and his party.
But for millions of investors newly drawn to stocks in the 1990's, it surely represents a loss of innocence.