The Soviet submarine surfaced immediately, but the extent of damage to her was not known.
The submarine immediately surfaced, but sank after Flaherty and three or four other destroyer escorts fired at it.
Problems with translation efforts surfaced immediately after a contract was signed for the Japanese publishing of the book.
Reports began surfacing immediately after delivery in May 2009 of issues with the ship's toilet system.
But discord immediately surfaced with Russian comments that Syria, too, could play a constructive role.
Had it been clear day they would not have surfaced immediately; eyes must become reaccustomed by stages to the dazzle.
Giogi surfaced immediately, sputtering water and soaked to the skin.
Two problems surfaced immediately: How do you tell which of an infinite variety of organisms is the quarry?
Sorry," he said, starting to stand, 'but I'm innately suspicious of a man who disappeared in 1939 and surfaced immediately after the war.
One problem which immediately surfaced was the poor deck behaviour of this mark, especially on take-off.