At this speed, the unsprung sledge transmitted every surface irregularity directly to the seat.
The raised knot and little surface irregularities from handling bake darker than the rest because they are closer to the gas flame.
Affected objects may show surface irregularities such as blisters or pitting.
In order to further reduce the effect of surface irregularities, the sample is usually spun at 5-20 rpm.
Taklon lacks these surface irregularities, making it easier to clean properly.
No surface irregularities of the snow are visible, but a dark object may be clearly seen.
Discovery of hot spots generated by surface irregularities.
The medium grit can be used to erase ridges and surface irregularities.
The sun warms up our planet, but because of surface irregularities and its rotation, the Earth doesn't heat uniformly.
If we cut deep enough we can take care of the surface irregularities, but what about the voids?