Soon, the larger vessel's surface melted to envelop the escape capsule, drawing it inside.
A scientific expedition is dispatched to the comet, whose entire surface melts and refreezes as it swings around the sun.
The frothing surface where the leviathan had disappeared melted back to the dark gray of the rest of the sea.
For the same reason, surfaces of bulk materials can melt at lower temperatures than the bulk material.
The surface melts initially, and the liquid-solid interface quickly advances through the entire nanoparticle.
Its surface had melted and refrozen numerous times.
Every surface that had been exposed to the laser's fury had either melted or charred.
As meteoroids are heated during atmospheric entry, their surfaces melt and experience ablation.
"Once you go supersonic, the top surface melts, the bottom surface is brittle as all hell because it's very cold, and you've got everything in between."
He cast a frustrated glance at the engineering station a few posts away, its surface already charred and melted from a previous conflagration.