He was also at the center of an international controversy when a video surfaced in the media showing him making anti-Chilean remarks at a private party.
Pernetti came under fire in April 2013 when a video surfaced showing men's basketball coach Mike Rice abusing his players during practice.
Initially, Key denied any knowledge of the plan although reports later surfaced showing that his office was aware of the deal.
However, in 2011 a photo surfaced from the album cover shoot showing a partially naked-faced Stanley with his hand on the door knocker.
A video subsequently emerged appearing to support this claim, and soon after another surfaced apparently showing security members destroying a Gaza memorial.
A video of Kobayashi's attempt later surfaced showing a possible miscount.
Also, seven Iraqi police officers were killed, officials said, and a videotape surfaced showing a French journalist who is being held hostage pleading for help.
Photos recently surfaced showing Ernesto Zedillo, the current President, being roughed up by the police as a student in 1968.
His comments came a week after a video surfaced showing a Bahraini police convoy performing drive-by shootings against unarmed protesters.
A video later surfaced showing Mutassim's body lying in an ambulance.