Its central court has three retractable bleachers, allowing the surface vary depending on the type of event.
The inner surface varies from white to light orange.
Such surfaces have varied effects on the contact angles of wetting liquids.
Also, the outer cuticular surface varies markedly between humans and animals, the difference being quite apparent.
The enclosure was big, perhaps fifty yards across, and in that space the surface varied from dry desert to a lush irrigated area.
The translucent surfaces of the wings vary from a pale blue color to almost white.
In addition to side variations, the top surface of the cut also varies.
The surface, unexpectedly, is not blinding white but varies from gray through browns to a slate mauve.
The surface of the country was now greatly varied, with numerous streams of water, bearing toward the east.
The surface varies from yellow brown to dingy yellow, and is arranged into scales.