The sea surges dramatically into a cobblestone cove below called Gulliver's Hole, a place that's especially spectacular on stormy days.
Liberal support surged dramatically as a result of Wilson's performance.
The quality of the paper surged dramatically and a Friday (weekend) family pictorial publication was launched.
Over the summer, however, spurred by pent-up consumer demand, prices surged dramatically, resulting in some panic buying.
It had a meager beginning, but once the top stars started their exodus from the two Singapore studios, its growth surged dramatically.
Texaco, Pennzoil Advance Two other oil stocks surged dramatically yesterday, but for their own reasons.
The vote was actually inconclusive with no party garnering a majority in parliament, although Grillo's anti-establishment party surged dramatically.
When word of the lenient new American policy got back to provincial China, departures for the U.S. began to surge dramatically.
In the spring, reporting on terrorism surged dramatically.
However, after this storyline the number of women who took a Pap smear surged dramatically.