In an effort to help "donor tissue" rebuild itself, plastic surgeons sometimes apply chitosan directly to places from which they have taken tissue to be used elsewhere.
"When I finished, the surgeon applied a stethoscope to his chest and listened to his heartbeat," he said, describing his first experience of such an experiment.
"I simply applied to two living bodies the analytical methods that surgeons apply to corpses," he wrote.
Your surgeon will usually apply an eyelid bandage for up to 24 hours afterwards.
Broken bones next door, where two surgeons from the Macintosh regiment could apply splints and bandages.
To prevent bleeding, the surgeons applied about a dozen clips to the artery's tiny branches.
Within recent years, surgeons have been applying the onlay to the dorsal aspect of the urethra with great success.
Once all of the repairs are made the surgeon will suture the incisions and apply any necessary bandages.
Entry on to the specialist register indicates that a surgeon has finished their training and can apply for a consultant post in the NHS.
After examining Nelson, the surgeon pronounced the wound non-threatening and applied a temporary bandage.