The surgeon entered the room where they sat their eyes, dumbly pleading, asked him the question that their lips dared not voice.
The surgeon, Landis, entered, saw the shallow wound on Bane's shoulder, and called him through to the back room.
Cardiac surgeons may enter a cardiac surgery residency directly from medical school, or first complete a general surgery residency followed by a fellowship.
The surgeon entered, and was taken aback at the sight of the float pallet.
No surgeon could enter the rib cage, it had never been done before.
Jocko asked as the surgeons entered.
The investment banker and surgeon eventually entered treatment programs before they did too much damage, to themselves or to others.
One day, assisting his senior in a complicated trauma operation, an unknown surgeon enters looking them over the shoulder.
The surgeon, still dressed in her sterile garb, entered at last.
The surgeon manually enters the sphero-cylinder as measured by manifest refraction or from wavefront aberrometry.