Franco's surgery Monday to remove scar tissue should relieve the pain he experienced during the latter half of the season.
Unfortunately, the pain is often unrelated to any pelvic disorder, and thus the surgery does not relieve it.
Even in these cases, there are no guarantees that surgery will relieve pain or that it will not cause further problems.
Back surgery can relieve pressure on the spine, but it is not a cure-all spinal stenosis treatment.
He said the surgery would relieve the tightness around the girl's joints.
But surgery may not relieve all your symptoms.
Ask your doctor if surgery will relieve pain, improve range of motion, and allow you to resume daily activities.
The surgery relieved the angina, but did not improve the underlying conditions that cause it.
As with hormone therapy, surgery relieves endometriosis pain for most women.
I hope the surgery gives her a feeling of control in her life and relieves some anxiety.