Patients with stable medical and surgical conditions.
A thoracotomy was performed in the fifth left intercostal space at the bedside under surgical conditions within 20 min after death.
The solutions, although complex, involve medical or surgical conditions that are susceptible to physical treatment.
This award recognised hospital teams that demonstrate improved outcomes of medical & surgical conditions.
Readers should be correctly informed about the long term prognosis of paediatric surgical conditions.
Their specialty is in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical and surgical conditions affecting the eye and visual system.
These hospitals provide highly specialized care to promote recovery from the most critical and complex medical and surgical conditions.
Cancers, infections and medical and surgical conditions are not the only "real" diseases.
Finally, she was removed from Skade under less than optimal field surgical conditions.
Appendicitis is the most common general surgical condition for the submarine program and has been the cause of one death on an Antarctic expedition.