Surgical procedures were carried out with sterile technique under a surgical microscope.
These reductions were aided by the endowment of the operating theatre with a surgical microscope and laser.
Through a surgical microscope, they free up the blood vessel and the nerve.
During the NG recordings, we checked with a surgical microscope that the flow ran over the vallate and foliate papillae.
The technical prowess involved in carrying out this operation successfully can not be overstated, particularly without the benefit of the surgical microscope for magnification.
You hid behind the surgical microscope and substituted for your power the crude micro tools of steel with which you severed tissues, rather than creating them.
Wilson sat by the patient in what looked like a barber's chair, manipulating a surgical microscope with a foot pedal.
Mastoidectomies began to be performed with the surgical microscope and so were the tympanoplasty techniques that became known in the early 1950s.
The first neurosurgeon to make use of the surgical microscope was a Turkish emigrant, Gazi Yasargil.
In 1966 he was amongst the first surgeons in the world to follow Dermot Pearce's use of the surgical microscope.