I looked down and saw a drowning apparition in the surging water.
One of the moons was setting in the east, leaving a fiery track across the surging water.
The surging water washed away the basalt and much of the rich topsoil.
Sage Markandeya entered into his mouth and save himself from the surging water.
Huge chunks broke free, white mountains tumbled into the surging water.
But at any moment a bigger wave than usual might come, and they would be swept off their feet, smothered with the surging water.
He got in the boat and jammed the pole down through the surging water as an anchor.
Finally, she swung her legs up onto the bank and rolled away from the surging water.
The two of them sat waist deep in the surging water, playing their hoses over the fire.
For a moment, Harris thought he saw it move, but realised its body was merely being stirred by the surging water.