He said he did not know whether a surplus now exists in the fund and whether that would be part of the sale.
Similar surpluses existed with small arms such as the Bren, of which 9,438 were required, but there were 21,139 in the system.
They said that the senators' calculations were incorrect and that the surplus might not actually exist.
The financial management was in safe hands, a surplus in gains still existed and the amount of club members (socios) continued to grow to 17,500.
You see, the growing surplus exists because taxes are too high and government is charging more than it needs.
I don't think the surplus exists because of the ingenuity and hard work of the federal government.
However, as long as surplus exists, growth rate can still be increased without a fall in the rate of industrialization.
But surpluses do exist in all areas where intervention attracts them.
The pension plan was only exposed in 1989, when it was found that a $25 million surplus existed.
But the closings, they say, do not necessarily occur where the surpluses exist, raising problems of access to health care for millions.