Individuals with few assets, less than £15,000 of debt and little surplus income may be eligible for a debt relief order, if they meet the stringent criteria.
The enclosure of common lands in England generated surplus income for the farmers.
A club is non-profit making if its governing document requires any surplus income or gains to be reinvested in the club.
If you have surplus income you may have been making payments into the bankruptcy estate under an Income Payments Agreement or Order that is set to run for three years.
Debt Relief Orders are suitable for people who do not own their own home, have little surplus income and assets and less than £15,000 of debt.
By 1977 a number of vasectomy centres had been established throughout Britain and the operation was generating surplus income.
Mr. Rosenberg's organization has trademarked the word "newtithing" for his concept of charitable giving based on assets and surplus income.
In this period the Jankowski family consolidated their position and expanded their lands and with surplus income educating their families in the Renaissance style.
Duckers were typically skilled labourers, who invested surplus income in ducklings.
The organisation was subsequently registered as a charity ensuring that any surplus income was reinvested in meeting the needs of looked after children placed with TACT.